• A skincare guide to the first 12 months of your baby - Part 2 of 5

    五月 01 2024 – Lin Lin

    A skincare guide to the first 12 months of your baby - Part 2 of 5

    Phase 2: Maturation of skin barrier (1 to 3 months) By now, the skin is rapidly accustoming to its surroundings and gradually strengthening its barrier function, enhancing its capacity to maintain hydration balance. Yet in harsher environments with fluctuating humidity, babies may experience problems like dry skin, diaper rash, and infantile eczema. Implementing a comprehensive skincare routine can significantly aid in preserving the baby's...

  • Beauty is skin deep, beauty product regulation isn't - the case for organic skincare

    五月 01 2024 – Lin Lin

    Beauty is skin deep, beauty product regulation isn't - the case for organic skincare

    The regulation of skincare products varies widely across different countries. While the EU, Japan, Korea, and Canada have stringent regulations in place, the United States falls behind in terms of the number of banned chemicals and approved ingredients. For instance, the EU has banned over 1400-2400 chemicals in cosmetics, a stark contrast to the fewer chemicals banned in the US....

  • How can skincare products improve babies' health? Let's count the ways

    五月 01 2024 – Lin Lin

    How can skincare products improve babies' health? Let's count the ways

    Upon birth, a baby's immune system is fragile, developing strength over time and typically approaching maturity when we're between 5 to 7 years old. Kids get sick more often and  harm to their immunity can potentially result in repercussions in their future. What we often overlook is that our skin acts as the body's primary protection against external dangers, such...

  • Meaning Behind Fragrance Free, Perfume and Scent

    六月 23 2017 – Patricia Digasbarro


    它是如此混乱,我知道。 你有一个皮肤敏感的孩子,你想买不含香料等刺激性成分的东西。 说得通! 如此多的产品并未声明其产品中含有化学香料或香水/香精,但当您阅读成分时,它就在那里。 香水。 香味。 从精油中提取的天然精华(无论是什么意思)。 事实是,一切天然的东西都有气味或香味。 在杂货店,你不能不注意到水果和蔬菜的香味而走过蔬菜区。 因此,含有植物黄油、油和提取物的天然有机产品也会有来自这些油、提取物、黄油或果汁的气味。  事实上,有机成分越多几乎总是越香。 没关系,很正常! 成分的天然气味与化学衍生的合成香料的刺激性和毒性作用之间存在巨大差异。 细节很重要,需要注意。 如果产品使用真正的精油(如有机薰衣草)香味,则与薰衣草香水不同。 薰衣草香味是一种合成化学物质,可能会刺激和有害,而有机薰衣草是真正的交易,可以镇静和舒缓您的皮肤和心灵。 不幸的是,大多数婴儿用品都含有某种化学合成香料,无论其是否在正面标签上注明。 因此,如果您在标签正面看到薰衣草,就像我们在我们的标签上看到的那样,那是因为薰衣草是一种具有天然植物香味的精油。 它对您的宝宝仍然是安全和温和的,不应与刺激性化学物质混淆。 薰衣草对思想、身体和精神都有镇定作用。 非常适合在睡前使用,因为它是一种自然放松的香味,但它对敏感肌肤也有镇静作用。
