Welcome to Shoosha!
在2012,前企业人力资源主管和多伦多母亲Patricia Di Gasbarro震惊地得知,到他们的第二个生日时,婴儿可能会积累太多的环境毒素,以至于他们的免疫系统会受到损害。 她的发现令她震惊,她着手制造不含有害合成物质和化学物质的护肤产品。 她遵循世界上最高的有机标准USDA,并着手提高婴儿皮肤护理的标准,以反映他们的特殊需求。
两年后的2014年,Shoosha出生了。 整个护肤品系列都符合美国农业部食品有机标准-至少含有95% 种有机成分,清洁成分中不含合成防腐剂或石化产品-实际上是食品级的。
今天,Shoosha的足迹遍布加拿大,美国,中国,韩国,马来西亚,阿拉伯联合酋长国和欧洲,通过广泛的零售商网络。 它经常以 “亚马逊的选择” 为特色,并在您最喜欢的超市或婴儿商店出售,如Costco,Wholefoods,Nature's Emporium,Indigo,Babies R Us,Well.ca,godness Me!,西海岸儿童和您附近的健康商店。
在2019,Shoosha被父母和婴儿奖授予 “加拿大最佳有机家庭护肤品牌”。

Shoosha is the first brand in North America to boast an entire line of USDA certified organic skincare products.
In addition to being exceptionally safe compared to conventional products, organic products are also more efficacious. Recent research proves that the increased concentration of bioactive compounds in organic crops underpins their true benefits. Organic crops synthesize higher levels of antioxidants, which offer valuable defense against free radicals in the human body.
We have yet one more reason to dedicate fully to an organic lifestyle – it promotes a more sustainable agricultural practices and fosters stronger connections between farmers and their communities. By reducing reliance on synthetic inputs and prioritizing biodiversity, organic farming helps safeguard traditional knowledge and agricultural heritage, enriching cultural diversity and resilience in rural areas.
We donate a portion of our profits to environmental and social causes that align with our values, such as reforestation, clean water initiatives and supporting women and children in need.
All products are made in Canada and USA. Shoosha is a women-owned business.